How Do I Add Multiple Public IP Addresses in VM-Series on AWS?

How Do I Add Multiple Public IP Addresses in VM-Series on AWS?

Created On 04/25/19 09:00 AM - Last Modified 04/25/19 17:32 PM


How do I add multiple public IP addresses to VM-Series on AWS?


VM-Series on AWS


You have a deployment where you would need different public IP addresses for each of the web servers, including the VM-Series, and using the DHCP based interface will lock you down in using one DHCP IP mapping to one Elastic IP.

In order to overcome this challenges of DHCP, you would need to switch the interface from DHCP to static, so you can add multiple IP addresses on the same interface and map each of the private IP addresses to different Elastic IP Addresses.

Right click > Instance> Networking > Manage IP Address

Right click > Instance> Networking > Manage IP Address

Eth0 is my default in the management interface. Select the desired interface and click “Assign new IP.”
NOTE: Interface ENI ID would be used later to map the Elastic IP to the interface.
You now have to type in the IP address on the text box and click “Yes, Update.” Now you have already added additional IP addresses to the interface and you need to map this to an Elastic IP.
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Services > VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) > Elastic IPs > Click Allocate  
(This would help you to add a new Elastic IP on your VPC)

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Right click on the new Elastic IP Address, click Associate Address, and select the resource type as Network Interface.
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Paste the Interface ENI information that you have copied on the previous step, click the Private IP drop down bock, and you should now be able to see the private IP addresses on the interface.
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Select the required Private IP Addresses and click  Associate. You have now created new IP addresses and successfully mapped them to an Elastic IP Address.

You will also need to configure the same on the firewall interface in order to start receiving traffic for the new Elastic IP Address.
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