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Where are the UserID and Password Stored for GlobalProtect Clie... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

Where are the UserID and Password Stored for GlobalProtect Client?

Created On 09/27/18 05:36 AM - Last Modified 05/31/23 21:25 PM


The User-ID and password are stored on the client machine when "remember me" is used by an administrative level account.

  • On a Windows system using GP 4.0 and earlier, the information is stored in the registry at:
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\Settings\LatestCP
    Note: The information stored in registry is encrypted.
  • On a Windows system using GP 4.1 and later, the information is stored in the Windows Credential Manager.
  • On a Mac OS X system, the information is stored in the local keychain.


owner: pchanda

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