Unable to Access SSH and Web UI of a Newly Deployed VM-Series Firewall

Unable to Access SSH and Web UI of a Newly Deployed VM-Series Firewall

Created On 09/26/18 19:10 PM - Last Modified 07/19/22 23:12 PM



Users are unable to access a newly deployed Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewall through the web UI or by SSH. When attempting to access the web UI the following error is displayed:

VM resource failure. Reason: One/more network adapter(s) are not vmxnet3. Only vmxnet3 network adapter type supported.



In the ESXi Configuration for the VM-Series firewall, ensure that the virtual NIC (vmNIC) used is vmxnet3, which is a combination of the vNIC's vmxnet and vmxnet2. Vmxnet3 is the only supported driver.



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