Export Threat PCAP in PAN-OS 6.0 and newer

Export Threat PCAP in PAN-OS 6.0 and newer

Created On 09/26/18 13:53 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 07:30 AM





Since PAN-OS 6.0 the CLI was changed to conform to a new method of storing and retrieving pcaps. Previously, threat pcaps were stored in the PAN-OS file system as files in a directory, with a directory for each day.  This limited pcap storage to around 131K pcap files per day, due to file system performance limitations.


Beginning in PAN-OS 6.0, pcaps are stored in a database. Rather than identifying pcaps by a timestamp or time range, a unique “pcap id” is given to each pcap. The pcap id is stored in the associated threat log and provides a cleaner way to reference pcaps for a specific threat log.


The previous method for downloading all pcaps for a given day was simply a mask for retrieving all files from a particular directory (day).  Because the new method of storing pcaps uses a database, there is no equivalent method for downloading all pcaps for a particular day.


For example:

  • tftp
    > tftp export threat-pcap search-time "2014/08/08 13:13:13" to pcap-id 1199650572660113409
  • scp
    > scp export threat-pcap search-time "2014/08/08 13:13:13" to <username@host:path>


owner: kwens

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