Gathering Scripting Debug Information from a Firewall or a Panorama Server

Gathering Scripting Debug Information from a Firewall or a Panorama Server

Created On 09/26/18 13:53 PM - Last Modified 09/28/20 23:00 PM



When troubleshooting issues that involve the WebGUI of the Palo Alto Networks device or Panorma, it can be very useful to gather debug of the scripting language used by the web ui.  In this case it will be PHP.

Examples of where gathering this can be useful are:

  • Running a report from the WebGUI and getting unexpected results or error
  • Switching tabs in Panorama or a Palo Alto Networks device and getting an unexpected error
  • Switching context in Panorama and getting unexpected error or unexpected behavior

Get this data by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the WebGUI of the device or Panorama.
  2. Open up another tab and access the same URL as in Step 1, but add /debug at the end. 
    Note: If FQDN is used in Step 1 then use the same FQDN in Step 2.

    This will bring up a similar page that looks like the following:

    Open up another tab and access the same URL

  3. Clear any logs that are already there by hitting the Clear debug button.
  4. Click on the Debug check box.
  5. Go back to the original page from the first step and then replicate the issue
  6. Go to the debub.php page and click on refresh. The following output will be seen:

    Go to the debub.php page and click on refresh. The following output will be seen

  7. Gather the output by copying and pasting it to a text file. Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottome of the output when selecting the output to copy.

  • Print
  • Copy Link

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