Unable to Commit Changes to Threat Attributes

Unable to Commit Changes to Threat Attributes

Created On 09/26/18 13:53 PM - Last Modified 06/13/23 03:17 AM



The Palo Alto Networks device displays the following errors while committing:

.Error: Profile compiler : can not set time attribute on tid 40030 interval 60 threshold 20

.Error: Profile compiler : can not set time attribute on tid 40006 interval 60 threshold 100

.Error: Profile compiler : can not set time attribute on tid 40030 interval 60 threshold 20

.Error: Profile compiler : can not set time attribute on tid 40031 interval 60 threshold 100


Note: The commit does go through successfully.



Threat attributes cannot be modified unless:

1. The threat licenses are purchased and valid (not expired)

2. The latest antivirus package is downloaded and installed.


owner: kadak

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