Panorama Logs FAQs

Panorama Logs FAQs

Created On 09/26/18 13:53 PM - Last Modified 02/07/19 23:39 PM


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. Is there a global option on the device to send all traffic logs to Panorama?

    Answer: There is no global option to send all traffic logs to panorama.  Each individual policy will have to be set to send logs to Panorama.


  2. Can users logging into Panorama see all devices?

    Answer: Users logging into Panorama will only see the device context for which they have access.


  3. Will both the device and panorama have the traffic logs?

    Answer: Yes both Panorama and the device will have the traffic logs.


  4. How do I commit the changes to all devices at the same time, since the devices are showing out of sync?

    Answer: At the bottom of the device display, choose "display by device-group".  The commit will then make changes to all the devices in the group.


owner: mrajdev

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