NTP Syncing to Secondary Server While the Primary is Available and Connected

NTP Syncing to Secondary Server While the Primary is Available and Connected

Created On 09/26/18 13:50 PM - Last Modified 03/12/21 01:14 AM


The 'show ntp' command shows that the device is synced to the secondary NTP server, while the primary is still available and connected.

> show ntp

NTP state:
NTP synched to 0.pool.ntp.org
NTP server us.pool.ntp.org connected: True
NTP server 0.pool.ntp.org connected: True


  • Palo Alto Firewall.
  • Any PAN-OS.
  • NTP configured.


The behavior is as expected.
PAN-OS syncs to either the primary or secondary server based on an algorithm that chooses the best server, depending on values like stratum or delay. The terms primary and secondary servers are not based on priority.

Additional Information

Is NTP Polling Time Interval Configurable?

NTP Server Error: An Error Occurred

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