Objects are not Being Pushed from Panorama to Managed Firewall

Objects are not Being Pushed from Panorama to Managed Firewall

Created On 09/26/18 13:50 PM - Last Modified 06/08/23 02:01 AM


After creating objects and the device group on the Panorama, the changes were committed. The commit appears to be successful and the configuration appears to have been sent to the managed device. However, when logged in to the managed firewall where the configurations were actually pushed, the objects are not updated in the local firewall.


  • Panorama
  • Firewall


Before performing a commit on Panorama ensure the option "Share Unused Address and Service Objects with Devices" is enabled under Panorama > Setup > Management > Panorama Setting:


Commit this configuration in Panorama and the device group.The objects on the managed firewall should now be populated with the pushed configuration from Panorama.


The "Share Unused Address and Service Objects with Devices" option

Select this check box to share all Panorama shared objects and device group specific objects with managed devices. When unchecked, Panorama policies are checked for references to address, address group, service, and service group objects and any objects that are not referenced will not be shared. This option will ensure that only necessary objects are being sent to managed devices in order to reduce the total object count.


owner: skumar1

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