Disable Signatures via API fails with Error 422 ... already been disabled ...

Disable Signatures via API fails with Error 422 ... already been disabled ...

Created On 09/26/18 13:45 PM - Last Modified 07/19/22 23:08 PM



When attempting to disable multiple signatures within multiple external accounts using the POST /api/v2/external_accounts/disabled_signatures endpoint, the operation fails with an error 422: "Signature has already been disabled for that external account."


Check if any of the specified signatures are disabled on any of the specified accounts.  If even one external account - signature pair is already disabled, none of the signatures will get disabled.


For example, if my request payload is:


 'data': {
'type': 'disabled_signature',
'attributes': {
'signature_ids': [1, 2, 3],
'external_account_ids': [4, 5, 6]


If signature 1 is disabled on external account 4, then the request will fail. 


Ensure that all specified signatures are enabled on all specified external accounts.  You can do this by using the same request payload, but send a DELETE /api/v2/external_accounts/disabled_signatures request.  This will cause all of the signatures in the specified accounts to become enabled.  Once enabled, you can then run the POST operation to disable them all at once.

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