How to Load Partial Config for Application Groups

How to Load Partial Config for Application Groups

Created On 09/25/18 20:34 PM - Last Modified 06/09/23 02:52 AM


On the Palo Alto Networks device, it is possible to merge part of a config from one device to another device.



Moving the application groups from device A and adding the application groups to the same section of the config in device B:

  1. Export the config from device A.
  2. Import the config from device A into device B.
  3. Log in to the CLI of device B and go into configure mode (this is simply done by typing 'configure' then press 'enter')
  4. Issue the following command to merge the application groups from device A to device B:

    load config partial from device_A_app_group_config.xml from-xpath devices/entry/vsys/entry/application-group to-xpath /config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/application-group mode merge

  5. Commit


Note: In a multi-vsys system, run the following command:

load config partial from device_A_app_group_config.xml mode merge from-xpath shared/application-group to-xpath /config/shared/application-group

This command will not work on a non multi-vsys system, like a PA-200.


owner: swhyte

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