How to Recover Full Device Configuration if Device is No Longer Managed by Panorama

How to Recover Full Device Configuration if Device is No Longer Managed by Panorama

Created On 09/25/18 19:54 PM - Last Modified 02/08/19 00:03 AM



In the event that the Panorama server goes offline and is unrecoverable, how do you absorb the prior Panorama configuration into the local firewall so that the relationship between the local firewall and Panorama is severed completely?


A merged configuration, which includes the Panorama configuration and local configuration for the firewall, can be recovered by generating a Technical Support file from the Palo Alto Networks device. The merged configuration file is located in the \opt\pancfg\mgmt\saved-configs directory and is named .merged-running-config.xml. Copy this file and rename it so that it can be imported and loaded to the firewall.

owner: gcapuno

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