How to Back up Panorama

How to Back up Panorama

Created On 09/25/18 19:52 PM - Last Modified 05/28/20 20:47 PM



Panorama saves a backup of every committed configuration from each device it manages. In addition, Panorama saves copies of its own committed configurations. To facilitate off-box backup requirements, the system supports a method to regularly export these backups to an external data store. This document describes the steps to back up Panorama.



Managing device backups from the Web UI:

To manage device backups on Panorama:

  1. Go to Panorama > Managed Devices.
  2. Click Manage in the Backups column for a device.
    This brings up a window showing saved and committed configurations for the device.
  3. Click Load to restore the selected configuration to the device.
  4. To remove a saved configuration, click .


Managing Panorama Configuration Backups from the GUI

  1. Go to Panorama > Setup > Operations.
  2. Click “Export named Panorama configuration snapshot” or “Export Panorama configuration version” under the Configuration Management section.
  3. Select the configuration from the configuration drop down list in the pop-up window.
  4. Click OK.


Manual Export and Import of Panorama Configuration from the CLI

On the CLI, the commands below will export the Panorama configuration:

> tftp export configuration

with the following parameters:

  • remote-port tftp server port
  • source-ip Set source address to specified interface address
  • from from
  • to tftp host


> scp export configuration

with the following parameters:

  • remote-port SSH port number on remote host
  • source-ip Set source address to specified interface address
  • from from
  • to destination (username@host:path)


To import Panorma’s configuration from the CLI, use the following command:

> tftp import configuration from file c:/a/b/c


  • Print
  • Copy Link

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