Incorrect Domain mapped when Kerberos Authentication is used for LDAP users causing users to not be Authenticated

Incorrect Domain mapped when Kerberos Authentication is used for LDAP users causing users to not be Authenticated

Created On 09/25/18 19:52 PM - Last Modified 03/23/23 21:00 PM


  • Users do not get authenticated using Kerberos authentication in conjunction with LDAP server profile.
  • Authd.logs (less mp-log authd.log) indicate the users coming from incorrect domain (accad). The actual domain is accad.local
pan_authd_service_req(pan_authd.c:2563): Authd:Trying to remote authenticate user: btest
pan_authd_service_auth_req(pan_authd.c:1104): AUTH Request <'vsys1','AuthProfile-LDAP','btest'>
panauth:user <accad\\btest,AuthProfile-LDAP,vsys1> is not allowed
pan_authd_process_authresult(pan_authd.c:1247): pan_authd_process_authresult: accad\\btest authresult not auth'ed
pan_authd_process_authresult(pan_authd.c:1271): Alarm generation set to: False.
User 'accad\\btest' failed authentication. Reason: User is not in allowlist From:



  • Palo Alto Firewalls
  • Supported PAN-OS
  • Kerberos Authentication
  • LDAP


Incorrect Domain configuration.


  1. Domain should be the same as the realm in Kerberos Server Profile.
  2. LDAP server profile used for user-group mappings requires Kerberos to use a fully qualified DOMAIN. If LDAP was not used, domain = aacad would have sufficed.

Note: Make sure that an appropriate group is included in the ALLOW LIST of Kerberos Authentication Profile.


  1. The authd logs after making the change:
pan_authd_service_req(pan_authd.c:2563): Authd:Trying to remote authenticate user: btest
pan_authd_service_auth_req(pan_authd.c:1104): AUTH Request <'vsys1','kerberos','btest'>
pan_authd_common_authenticate(pan_authd.c:1543): Authenticating user using service /etc/pam.d/pan_krb5_vsys1_kerberos,username accad.local\\btest
pan_authd_authenticate_service(pan_authd.c:652): authentication succeeded (0)
pan_authd_authenticate_service(pan_authd.c:658): account is valid
authentication succeeded for user <vsys1,kerberos,accad.local\\btest>
pan_authd_process_authresult(pan_authd.c:1247): pan_authd_process_authresult: accad.local\\btest authresult auth'ed




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