Update a URL to Reflect New Category in PAN-DB

Update a URL to Reflect New Category in PAN-DB

Created On 09/25/18 19:52 PM - Last Modified 06/08/23 02:52 AM



A URL link was requested to be changed to a new URL category. The change was made in the latest version of the PAN-DB database. However, after updating the URL database to the latest version on the Palo Alto Networks device, the URL still shows the old category. This document describes the steps to update the URL database on the Palo Alto Networks device.



  1. Test the category of the URL on the device. The following example shows that the category update is not on the device:
    > test url go.example.com
    go.example.com not-resolved (Base db) expires in 0 seconds
    go.example.com web-advertisements (Cloud db)
  2. Test the category on the cloud to verify the new category (ex. web-advertisements) has taken effect with the new version. BM indicates the best match in the folliowng command:
    > test url-info-cloud go.example.com
  3. Request an update for the URL on the device.
    > request url-filtering update url go.example.com
    Categorization request submitted successfully
  4. Verify to see if the change has taken effect.
    > test url go.example.com
    go.example.com web-advertisements (Base db) expires in 93000 seconds
    go.example.com web-advertisements (Cloud db)
  5. The category can be also be verified on the management plane.
    > test url-info-host go.example.com
    Ancestors info:


owner: ssunku

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