Device configurations can be imported or exported from Palo Alto Networks devices using secure file copy from the CLI.
Note: By default, the device uses the management interface to communicate with the SCP server. If wanting to use an interface other than the management interface, it must be specified by the source IP in the SCP export/import command.
To export a running configuration using SCP:
Log into the CLI using an admin account with superuser or deviceadmin privileges. This can be used if wanting to use a script to perform regularly scheduled configuration backups:
> scp export configuration from running-config.xml to username@host-ip:path
The path must be a valid directory path on the destination SCP server. The file will be saved on the SCP server with the name running-config.xml.
To import a configuration using SCP:
Log into the CLI using an admin account with superuser or deviceadmin privileges:
> scp import configuration from name@host:path/xyz.xml
Note: The file xyz.xml can be any file name except running-config.xml.