Log Types and Severity

Log Types and Severity

Created On 09/25/18 19:48 PM - Last Modified 06/08/23 02:45 AM


The following document covers various type of logs and log severity. These logs can be viewed under Monitor > Logs > System.


This document can be helpful when searching for logs for a particular event or creating an alert for an event.




When HA firewalls change their state, we can see following logs in the system log.


HA (10).png

HA (8).png

HA (9).png


If the PAN-OS of the HA firewalls is not matching, we see the following logs in the system log.

HA (11).png


HA (13).png


When sessions get synchronised among HA firewalls, we see the following log:

HA (15).png


If a firewall changes its role because of the preempt option, we see following log:

HA (1).png


In HA, if some of the data port goes up, we see the following log for link monitoring:

HA (2).png



For HA port ,we see the following logs:

HA (4).png


HA (5).png


HA (16).png


HA (18).png





URL Filtering


When the URL database of the firewall gets upgraded, we see the following log.



When the firewall selects some cloud for its URL database, we see the following log.




When a connection to the URL cloud fails, we see the following logs.





When URL database download fails, we see the following logs.firefox_2016-07-03_05-23-03.png





When PBF goes up or down, we see the following logs:



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