How to Create Custom Report to Show The Least Used Rules in Security Policies

How to Create Custom Report to Show The Least Used Rules in Security Policies

Created On 09/25/18 19:45 PM - Last Modified 06/01/23 08:02 AM


To create a custom report to see the least used rules based on the number of bytes/packets, go through the following steps.



  1. Create one custom report from Monitor > Manage Custom Reports and click on Add.
  2. Load Template and select “Top security rules”.
  3. Set Database to Traffic Log.
  4. The Selected Columns on the right must contain "Rules", "Bytes" and "Count" only.
  5. Set Time Frame as desired.
  6. Sort by “Bytes” or “Packets”.  All other options can be left as is.

rule count custom report.png

  1. You can schedule the report or hit “Run now” to get the report instantly.
  2. The output of the report should be similar to the one below.

custom report output.png

owner: aciobanu

  • Print
  • Copy Link

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