URL filtering with domain name patterns

URL filtering with domain name patterns

Created On 09/25/18 19:36 PM - Last Modified 06/06/23 19:36 PM



The URL filtering Allow list includes *.abc.com. The policy allows URLs with additional country TLD, for example: www.abc.com.au.



The trailing slash is needed if the domain pattern is not a prefix of any others.


An example to block *.abc.com:

Block: *.abc.com/

Allow: www.abc.com.au is not needed here


Another example to block www.abc.com.au:

Block: www.abc.com.au

Allow *.abc.com, or *.abc.com/


The order of the URL filtering profile is checked in this order:

  1. Block List
  2. Allow List
  3. Customer Categories
  4. URL Categories

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