Make sure Command-and-Control is recognized by PAN-DB URL Filtering

Make sure Command-and-Control is recognized by PAN-DB URL Filtering

Created On 09/25/18 19:30 PM - Last Modified 06/12/23 16:14 PM


As the following blog shows, a new PAN-DB URL category, command-and-control, will be released.

This article introduces the steps to make sure that the command-and-control category is recognized by PAN-DB URL Filtering feature using the 'test url' command.




  • PAN-DB URL Filtering is enabled on Palo Alto Networks firewall
  • Content Update 734 or later is installed on the Palo Alto Networks firewall

 After ensuring your firewall meets the prerequisites:


Step 1

Log in to your firewall managment WebUI with the administrative account.  The URL is http or https:// the management IP of your firewall.


Step 2

Go to Device > Setup > Content-ID and make sure there is no value in PAN-DB Server.  If there is any value in PAN-DB Server, please delete it and commit the change.





Step 3

Log in to your firewall managment CLI with the administrative account.



Run the following command to verify if the Command-and-Control category is properly recognized by PAN-DB URL Filtering feature.

admin@myNGFW>test url command-and-control (Base db) expires in 1800 seconds command-and-control (Cloud db) 


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