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Resource List: File Blocking Profile Configuring and Troublesho... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

Resource List: File Blocking Profile Configuring and Troubleshooting

Created On 09/25/18 19:30 PM - Last Modified 05/12/21 02:36 AM


  • Palo Alto Firewall.
  • Any PAN-OS.
  • File Blocking Profile.



The following table provides a list of valuable resources on configuring and use cases for File Blocking:

Tips from the Field: File blocking profileBest practices for implementing File Blocking based on real world configurationTutorial
Best Practice Security Profiles for the Internet GatewayBest practice recommendations for Internet GatewaysBest Practice
Best Practices for Ransomware Prevention Case study on how to leverage File Blocking in Ransomware preventionCase Study
File Blocking Rulebase and Action Precedence Tutorial on action priorityTutorial
FileType list with the Threat-ID number Supported file types and their thread ID as shown in logsGuidance
File Blocking ProfilesActions supported by File Blocking ProfilesGuidance
Predefined File Blocking ProfilesPredefined File Blocking profiles explainedGuidance
CONTENT-ID Tech BriefTech brief on how the Content-ID engine processes sessionsTech Brief
Set Up File BlockingHow-To set up and test File BlockingTutorial
Web Interface Reference: File Blocking ProfileFile Blocking section of the Admin GuideGuidance

Note: If you have a suggestion for an article, video or discussion not included in this list please submit the content through the feedback column on the right and it will be added to the master list.

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