How to Create a Report of How Much Time a User Spends on a Website

How to Create a Report of How Much Time a User Spends on a Website

Created On 09/25/18 19:25 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 17:33 PM


A User Activity Report defined for a specific user contains a "Browsing Summary by Website" section. This shows the URL opened by the user's web browser and how many times the user accessed the site during the period defined by the report.


Turn on logging at session start in addition to the default of logging at the end of a session. All data in a report is derived from the logs on the PAN firewall. Data that is not logged cannot be reported.


Go to Policies > Security Policies > Options. Set logging to begin at session start, in addition to the default of logging at the end of a session, for the policy that allows the user's web traffic.


Note: This reporting doubles the number of log entries, so not as long of a period can be covered by the firewall's logs. If logging to an NFS partition on a Panorama server, this reporting should not have as much impact. To conserve disk space, turn off "Send At Session Start" after you've logged the data you need.


Commit the changes.


Now the start time and end time of a user's web browsing sessions are logged. This log data is visible in a report. You can also view the number of times the user visited a given site within a defined time period in the User Activity Report.


owner: jdavis

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