Packet Drop Counters in Show Interface Ethernet ... Display
The following display is an abbreviated output from the command, show interface Ethernet 1/1. Two packet drop counters appear under the counters reading the logical interface information. Conditions that may cause these counters to increment are explained below:
show interface ethernet1/1
Name: ethernet1/1, ID: 17
Link status:
Runtime link speed/duplex/state: 1000/full/up
Configured link speed/duplex/state: 1000/full/auto
MAC address:
Port MAC address 00:1b:17:0b:80:11
Operation mode: virtual-wire
Logical interface counters read from CPU:
bytes received 675651250
bytes transmitted 523417297
packets received 916417
packets transmitted 816119
receive errors 0
packets dropped 0
packets dropped by flow state check 55
packets dropped by flow state check: This counter is incremented for packets matching flows which are either in expired/inactive/discard states and have not been removed by age-out process.
packets dropped: This counter is indicative of several conditions such as receiving the multicast packets on the same interface, dropping non-ip packets (other than ARP), no topology is configured, a session setup failure, or a discarded route is found.
owner: panagent