DotW: HA Not Synchronized after Commit from Panorama

DotW: HA Not Synchronized after Commit from Panorama

Created On 09/25/18 19:03 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 20:10 PM


Having doubts about what exactly is synched with HA or how HA behaves when you push configurations from Panorama? This is something we'll highlight in this week's discussion of the week.  Community member niuk had a question about this and posted it on our discussions board :


2016-07-11_11-48-03.pngDisscussion topic


Member niuk committed a change from Panorama to the active firewall and noticed a 'Not syncronized' message. Several other community members provided tips and debugging steps to assist.  While the provided tips and tricks are surely useful in debugging HA issues the solution was actually very simple.


What was key in the problem description was that niuk commited the change from his Panorama to his ACTIVE firewall only.  This is a very important detail because as member rmonvon pointed out, policies from Panorama must be committed to both active and passive HA devices! They are not synched!


So what exactly is synched in an HA setup?

Here's a list of what's related for this specific discussion:
Device TabConfig Synched A/PConfig Synched A/A
Panorama Settings  
Panorama ServersNONO
Receive timeout for connectionYESYES
Send timeout for connectionYESYES
Retry count for SSL sendYESYES
Panorama Policy & ObjectsNONO
Device & Network TemplateNONO


The complete list of what's synched and what's not can be found here:


As for the full discussion, you can follow it here:




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