Intrazone vs. interzone rules

Intrazone vs. interzone rules

Created On 09/25/18 19:02 PM - Last Modified 05/31/23 21:01 PM


What exactly is an intrazone rule versus an interzone rule and why do we have them now? Watch this video to find out why the distinction is important. Learn the difference between intrazone, interzone, and universal rules.


Rule types and descriptions:

Rule Type Description

By default, all the traffic destined between two zones, regardless of being from the same zone or different zone, this applies the rule to all matching interzone and intrazone traffic in the specified source and destination zones.
For example, if creating a universal rule with source zones A and B and destination zones A and B, the rule would apply to all traffic within zone A, all traffic within zone B, and all traffic from zone A to zone B and all traffic from zone B to zone A.


A security policy allowing traffic between the same zone, this applies the rule to all matching traffic within the specified source zones (cannot specify a destination zone for intrazone rules).

For example, if setting the source zone to A and B, the rule would apply to all traffic within zone A and all traffic within zone B, but not to traffic between zones A and B.


A security policy allowing traffic between two different zones. However, the traffic between the same zone will not be allowed when created with this type, this applies the rule to all matching traffic between the specified source and destination zones.

For example, if setting the source zone to A, B, and C and the destination zone to A and B, the rule would apply to traffic from zone A to zone B, from zone B to zone A, from zone C to zone A, and from zone C to zone B, but not traffic within zones A, B, or C.



Video tutorial topics with timestamp:
- What exactly is an Intrazone rule versus an Interzone rule, and why do we have them now? (0:33)
- Rule Type column (1:30)
- Rule Type comparison (2:00)
- Intrazone and Interzone rule examples (4:13)
- Override default rules (5:15)


All this information is also covered in the following article, as well as information on Panorama, upgrading and downgrading when these different rule types are used:

What are Universal, Intrazone and Interzone Rules?

I hope that this video tutorial has helped you understand intrazone, interzone and universal rules better.

As always, please feel free to post feedback or comments.

Thanks for watching,
Joe Delio

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