How to View Enterprise Agreements on the Customer Support Portal

How to View Enterprise Agreements on the Customer Support Portal

Created On 09/25/18 18:07 PM - Last Modified 06/16/23 13:25 PM


Enterprise Agreements on the support portal consist of:

  • Enterprise Support Agreement (ESA)
  • Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)
  • VM Enterprise License Agreement (VM ELA)
  • See VM-ELA Token Model Overview for token-based ELAs

Authorization codes will automatically be applied to the Support Portal accounts designated in your purchase order. 

  • ESAs/ELAs may be activated across multiple accounts.
  • VM ELAs may be activated in only one account, but tokens can be granted to other CSP accounts which are related to the CSP account where the VM ELA is registered. See VM-ELA Token Model Overview



To view the Enterprise Agreements and the Customer Support Portal (CSP) accounts covered by Enterprise Agreements, select Assets > Enterprise Agreements.

You can view the licenses under the Licenses tab


You can view the used licenses, consumption, usage cap and other information under the Consumption tab. You can also download the consumption data in a CSV file. 
Select Hardware ELA or ESA  in the dropdown menu to see relevant data. 


To see assets covered under the Enterprise Agreements, click Assets > Devices. You will only be able to see devices registered in the Customer Support Portal accounts in which you have membership. Any authorization codes starting with an “S”  indicate that they were generated by a Site License. The Expiration Date will reflect that of the associated Enterprise Agreement.


Device Registration AFTER the Enterprise Agreement is Activated in your CSP Account(s)
Please select whether the new asset will be a part of the Enterprise Agreement. 

If you select “will be”, your new asset will inherit any of the licenses and/or support from your Enterprise Agreement(s)

If you select “will not be”, your new asset will NOT inherit any of the Enterprise Agreement(s) and you will need to apply subscription licenses and support as per the normal registration/authorization code process.


Create an admin type of support case if your device did not pick up the Enterprise licenses despite having selected "will be". 

Additional Information

For a full list of other Support Portal User Documents, please see Customer Support Portal User Documents

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