How To Access External GP Portal/GW From Inside The Firewall

How To Access External GP Portal/GW From Inside The Firewall

Created On 09/25/18 17:58 PM - Last Modified 02/07/19 23:52 PM



This example utilizes a Guest Network Zone for wireless users who are only permitted WWW access outbound. Administrator wishes to permit Guest Network users access to internal resources but does not wish to open up security policies to the trust network to assure complete isolation.

As a solution, administrator chooses to allow authorized users within the Guest Network to connect via their GlobalProtect clients to the external Portal/GW permitting access to internal resources.

By default, connectivity to the Portal/GW will fail. Reason being users attempting to connect to the portal will be traversing the Untrust interface of the PAN which will utilize the IP assigned via the dynamic NAT created for outbound access (i.e., the IP of the L3 untrust interface IP). As a result, global counters or flow-basic logs would typically indicate a potential LAND Attack/Spoof due to the source IP of the requesting client (NATd by the untrust interface) is also connecting to the same IP as a destination for Portal/GW termination.


Option 1

Create a separate NAT (move to the top of the NAT policy list) utilizing a unique IP for a specific host/subnet (i.e., subnet specified for all guest network users) when accessing the portal. This NAT would be similar to the dynamic NAT utilized for outbound web access though would be tweaked slightly to define a destination IP for which the NAT will be applied (i.e., Portal/GW Address), the source subnet that the users reside as well as a source translation (dynamic-ip-and-port) utilizing a unique IP, seperate from the IP of the Portal/GW.


Following excerpt shows a successful connection from the Trust Network->Untrust (Public IP of Untrust Interface) being NATd using a unique IP (i.e., last octet in this example = .222):

> show session all filter destination


ID      Application    State  Type Flag  Src[Sport]/Zone/Proto (translated IP[Port]) Vsys          Dst[Dport]/Zone (translated IP[Port])


55372  web-browsing  ACTIVE  FLOW *NB[1395]/Trust/6  ([21737]) vsys1[443]/Untrust  ([20077])

55466  ping          ACTIVE  FLOW  NS[512]/Trust/1  ([512]) vsys1[39424]/Untrust  ([39424])

55423  web-browsing  ACTIVE  FLOW *NB[1435]/Trust/6  ([10228]) vsys1[443]/Untrust  ([20077])

55489  ping          ACTIVE  FLOW  NS[512]/Trust/1  ([512]) vsys1[39168]/Untrust  ([39168])

> show session id 55372

Session          55372

        c2s flow:

                source: [Trust]


                proto:      6

                sport:      1395            dport:      443

                state:      INIT            type:      FLOW

                src user:    unknown

                dst user:    unknown

        s2c flow:

                source: [Untrust]


                proto:      6

                sport:      20077          dport:      21737

                state:      INIT            type:      FLOW

                src user:    unknown

                dst user:    unknown

        start time                    : Thu Jul  5 10:16:53 2012

        timeout                      : 60 sec

        total byte count(c2s)        : 3308

        total byte count(s2c)        : 10292

        layer7 packet count(c2s)      : 17

        layer7 packet count(s2c)      : 21

        vsys                          : vsys1

        application                  : web-browsing

        rule                          : GlobalProtect-Guest

        session to be logged at end  : True

        session in session ager      : False

        session synced from HA peer  : False

        address/port translation      : source + destination

        nat-rule                      : GW-TEST(vsys1)

        layer7 processing            : completed

        URL filtering enabled        : True

        URL category                  : private-ip-addresses

        session via syn-cookies      : False

        session terminated on host    : True

        session traverses tunnel      : False

        captive portal session        : False

        ingress interface            : ethernet1/6

        egress interface              : ethernet1/3

        session QoS rule              : N/A (class 4)

Option 2

This option allows traffic destined for the untrust interface IP strictly as L3 (no nat). Create a new NAT rule (move to the top of the NAT policy list) defining the source IP/subnet of the Zone requiring external GP access, specify the destination IP of the GW & leave both Source & Destination Translation as 'none'. Following the commit, this will allow users accessing these resources directly bypassing any limitations resulting from egress traffic being NATd.


Sample session output below showing traffic as still having a ND flag though the NAT rule itself is 'NON-NAT' allowing successful access to the public address of the portal:

> show session all filter source destination


ID      Application    State  Type Flag  Src[Sport]/Zone/Proto (translated IP[Port])           Vsys                                     Dst[Dport]/Zone (translated IP[Port])


10196  ipsec-esp-udp  ACTIVE  FLOW[4821]/Trust/17  ([4821])  vsys1                          [4501]/Untrust  ([4501])

10813  web-browsing  ACTIVE  FLOW *ND[1706]/Trust/6  ([1706])    vsys1                          [443]/Untrust  ([20077])

> show session id 10813

Session          10813

        c2s flow:

                source: [Trust]


                proto:      6

                sport:      1706            dport:      443

                state:      ACTIVE          type:      FLOW

                src user:    unknown

                dst user:    unknown

        s2c flow:

                source: [Untrust]


                proto:      6

                sport:      20077          dport:      1706

                state:      ACTIVE          type:      FLOW

                src user:    unknown

                dst user:    unknown

        start time                    : Thu Jul  5 15:24:51 2012

        timeout                      : 60 sec

        time to live                  : 52 sec

        total byte count(c2s)        : 1131

        total byte count(s2c)        : 816

        layer7 packet count(c2s)      : 7

        layer7 packet count(s2c)      : 4

        vsys                          : vsys1

        application                  : web-browsing

        rule                          : rule1

        session to be logged at end  : True

        session in session ager      : True

        session synced from HA peer  : False

        address/port translation      : source + destination

        nat-rule                      : NO-NAT(vsys1)

        layer7 processing            : completed

        URL filtering enabled        : True

        URL category                  : private-ip-addresses

        session via syn-cookies      : False

        session terminated on host    : True

        session traverses tunnel      : False

        captive portal session        : False

        ingress interface            : ethernet1/6

        egress interface              : ethernet1/3

        session QoS rule              : N/A (class 4)

owner: bryan

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