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Dynamic Updates Error failed to get a response from the device ... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

Dynamic Updates Error failed to get a response from the device server

Created On 09/25/18 17:58 PM - Last Modified 06/12/23 16:06 PM



Dynamic update attempts result in the following error: "failed to get a response from the device server"


Under Device / Setup / Services / Service Route Configuration is where administrators can configure which IP to be used when downloading updates. By default, this will be the management interface but it can be changed to any other interface.

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The issue described in this article will occur when traffic from the interface configured above isn't allowed through the firewall towards the internet.


Same Zone traffic is allowed by default so in cases where the outside interface is selected, no security rule is required

When keeping the default to use the management interface, or when selecting an interface other than the public interface, a rule needs to be in place to allow traffic through the firewall.

To fix this issue, create a security rule that allows traffic from the interface selected for service route to the internet.

owner: jdelio

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