How to Generate a Custom Report for Wildfire Logs

How to Generate a Custom Report for Wildfire Logs

Created On 09/25/18 17:50 PM - Last Modified 02/07/19 23:56 PM



In custom reports, the WildFire reports can be generated from the data filtering log and the device threat summary using actions as wildfire-upload-skip and wildfire-upload-success.


  1. Go to Monitor > Manage Custom Reports and add a new report
  2. Select "Data filtering log" for the Database
  3. Columns can be selected as desired. In the example screenshot below, the selected column fields are Filename, Threat/ Content Name, Action and Repeat Count:
  4. Under Query Builder, configure the query as "(action eq wildfire-upload-skip) or (action eq wildfire-upload-success)", as shown in the example above.

Applying the above template will produce a report similar to the following:

Note: This report can be exported in PDF, CSV and XML format.

owner: kadak

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