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IPSec Error: IKE Phase-1 Negotiation is Failed as Initiator, Ma... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

IPSec Error: IKE Phase-1 Negotiation is Failed as Initiator, Main Mode. Due to Negotiation Timeout

Created On 09/25/18 17:36 PM - Last Modified 06/02/23 09:08 AM



Phase 1 Negotiation between IPSec Peer and PAN is being identified as "LAND attack". Receiving the following error entry in the Ikemgr.log:

IKE phase-1 negotiation is failed as initiator, main mode. Failed SA:[500]-[500] message id:0x43D098BB. Due to negotiation timeout.



If the Proxy IDs have been checked for mismatch, try the following:

  1. Configure a filter source peer WAN IP to destination Palo Alto Networks WAN IP
    > debug dataplane packet-diag set filter match source x.x.x.x destination y.y.y.y
  2. Turn on the filter.
    > debug dataplane packet-diag set filter on
  3. Initiate a ping in the reverse path. On a remote machine behind the VPN Peer, ping across the VPN tunnel to a host behind the PAN Firewall.
    From a host on the remote peer network try to ping a host on the local network behind the PAN Firewall (w.w.w.w)
    c:\> ping w.w.w.w

    This should cause the tunnel to be created, and initiate a new Phase1 IPSec negotiation.
  4. Run the following command a couple of times:
    > show counter global filter delta yes packet-filter yes


Look for drops in the output. For example:

Global counters:

Elapsed time since last sampling: 1.481 seconds

name                      value  rate  severity  category  aspect    description


session_allocated         1      0     info      session   resource  Sessions allocated

session_freed             1      0     info      session   resource  Sessions freed

flow_policy_nat_land      1      0     drop      flow      session   Session setup: source NAT IP allocation result in LAND attack

nat_dynamic_port_xlat     1      0     info      nat       resource  The total number of dynamic_ip_port NAT translate called

nat_dynamic_port_release  1      0     info      nat       resource  The total number of dynamic_ip_port NAT release called


Total counters shown: 5




In this case, the 'flow_policy_nat_land' global counter is showing a 'drop', indicating a configuration issue causing the traffic to be dropped, causing this "timeout" error.

In the order to resolve the LAND attack, see: Misconfigured Source NAT and LAND attacks


owner: vvasilasco

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