Management CPU is 100% because of '%wa'

Management CPU is 100% because of '%wa'

Created On 06/11/20 21:38 PM - Last Modified 07/29/20 22:12 PM


  • Management CPU stays 100% from the dashboard widget (Dashboard > System Resource)
  • Output from CLI is showing the below
> show system resources
top - 23:00:40 up 67 days,  9:08,  3 users,  load average: 17.42, 17.03, 17.98
Tasks: 145 total,   4 running, 139 sleeping,   1 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 1%us,  0.2%sy,  0%ni, 0%id,  98.8%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.8%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   3849872k total,  3737992k used,   111880k free,    65284k buffers
Swap:  3056660k total,   837292k used,  2219368k free,  1196828k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
 4092       20   0 1995m 345m  10m S 71.8  9.2   9348:08 mgmtsrvr           
 9333       20   0  313m 118m  17m D 27.2  3.1   0:02.64 pan_logquery       
 4326       20   0 1891m 379m 8168 S 13.6 10.1   6921:44 logrcvr            
 3960       20   0 1141m 403m 115m S  3.9 10.7   2584:54 useridd            
20128       15  -5 95632 9992 3428 S  3.9  0.3   0:47.03 sysd               
----- Skipped -----



  • PA-3020
  • 8.1.11


'%wa' shows percent of time CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete. Too high may be indicative of heavy swap usage. This can be caused by excessive logging. As you can see below incoming rate is almost 10 times more than written rate and lots of logs is discarded.
> debug log-receiver statistics 

Logging statistics
------------------------------ -----------
Log incoming rate:             23231/sec
Log written rate:              2604/sec
Corrupted packets:             0
Corrupted URL packets:         0
Corrupted HTTP HDR packets:    0
Corrupted HTTP HDR Insert packets: 0
Corrupted EMAIL HDR packets:   0
Logs discarded (queue full):   23085761
Traffic logs written:          7192191877
GTP logs written:              0
Tunnel logs written:           0
Auth logs written:             0
Userid logs written:           861133263
SCTP logs written:             0
URL logs written:              1032529198
Wildfire logs written:         0
Anti-virus logs written:       85
Widfire Anti-virus logs written: 83
Spyware logs written:          42482
Spyware-DNS logs written:      348301
Attack logs written:           0
Vulnerability logs written:    655878
Fileext logs written:          15035912
Fileext logs URL not written:  14753913
Fileext logs URL not written (timedout): 34467
URL cache age out count:       0
URL cache full count:          222305358
URL cache key exist count:     59082772
URL cache wrt incomplete http hdrs count: 0
URL cache rcv http hdr before url count: 3
URL cache full drop count(url log not received): 0
One can also check logging rate from data plane
> show counter global filter delta yes | match log
log_url_cnt                             1569      121 info      log       system    Number of url logs
log_urlcontent_cnt                       104        8 info      log       system    Number of url content logs
log_uid_req_cnt                          786       60 info      log       system    Number of uid request logs
log_vulnerability_cnt                      1        0 info      log       system    Number of vulnerability logs
log_fileext_cnt                           32        2 info      log       system    Number of file block logs
log_traffic_cnt                        29484     2279 info      log       system    Number of traffic logs
log_dlp_cnt                                1        0 info      log       system    Number of DLP logs
log_suppress                             420       32 info      log       system    Logs suppressed by log suppression



The following suggestions help reduce logging
  1. Avoid logging unnecessary traffic (i.e. DNS, NTP, OSPF/BGP, IKE, other non-user related traffic, etc.).
  2. If log-forwarding enabled, reduce the number of logs to be forwarded.
  3. Do not use log at session start.
  4. Check to ensure no data-plane debugs enabled. If enabled, disable them.
  5. Disable any Management Plane debugs.

Additional Information

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