How to manually stop and start PanGPS (service) or GlobalProtect (i.e. PanGPA) on macOS?
Created On 06/02/20 20:45 PM - Last Modified 03/22/24 16:12 PM
How to manually stop and start PanGPS (service) or GlobalProtect (i.e. PanGPA) on macOS?
GlobalProtect MacOS
In case the PanGPS and GlobalProtect (i.e. PanGPA) processes require to be stopped and started manually, the launchctl command on macOS can be used:
Stop PanGPS launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/ Stop GlobalProtect (i.e. PanGPA) launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/ Start PanGPS launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/ Start GlobalProtect (i.e. PanGPA) launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/ To check if both PanGPS and PanGPA are running (both processes should have a PID): launchctl list | grep -i palo