Keeping track of critical assets

Keeping track of critical assets

Created On 05/26/20 23:34 PM - Last Modified 07/19/22 22:41 PM


IoT Security user tags help you keep track of mission-critical devices. Use simple, easily remembered tags with the global search to find important assets without having to remember MAC or IP addresses. These 4 steps explain how to start tagging devices.


  1. Find your devices
To find the devices you’d like to tag, navigate to the Inventory table on the Devices page. Either use filters to find devices by attributes or use the search tool to find devices by their full or partial device names.
  1. Launch the bulk editing utility
Select the check boxes for the devices you want to tag and then click the Edit button that appears above the Inventory table.
  1. Enter and Save your new tags
In the field that says Add more user tags, enter one or more new tags, choose one or more existing tags, or combine new and existing tags, and then click Save.
  1. Use tags to find devices
Enter tags in the global search to find the tagged devices, or show the User Tag column on the Devices page and sort devices by the tags in that column.

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