How are IoT devices classified/categorized once they’ve been discovered?

How are IoT devices classified/categorized once they’ve been discovered?

Created On 05/26/20 23:26 PM - Last Modified 06/01/23 22:59 PM


How are IoT devices classified/categorized once they’ve been discovered?


IoT Security
Visibility and Security


We have multiple levels of device classification, starting with the industry in which the device was built to operate. An X-ray machine, for example, would belong to the "Healthcare" industry.

The second level of classification we perform is at the category level. This is typically the "type" of device, based on its function. A Macintosh laptop, for example, would fall into the "PC" category.

The final level of classification is at the profile level. A profile is usually based on the device's vendor and model. The same Macintosh laptop could fall into the "Apple Macbook Air" profile.

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