How to setup Azure SAML authentication with GlobalProtect

How to setup Azure SAML authentication with GlobalProtect

Created On 05/15/20 00:59 AM - Last Modified 05/18/23 00:38 AM


Step-by-step instruction on how to setup Azure SAML authentication for GlobalProtect portal and gateway.



GlobalProtect authentication with Azure SAML


Step 1. Login to Azure Portal  and navigate Enterprise application under All services

     User-added image

Step 2. Search for Palo Alto and select Palo Alto Global Protect

      User-added image

Step 3.Click ADD to add the app

      User-added image

Step 4. After App is added successfully> Click on Single Sign-on

     User-added image

Step 5. Select SAML option:

    User-added image

Step 6. Edit Basic SAML configuration by clicking edit button

     User-added image

Step 7. Fill out Sign-on URL,Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) as follows

        GlobalProtect portal FQDN/IP address could be located by login into the firewall ang going under Network> Portal> Select the portal> Agent> Select config>External > Select External Gateway> Use either FQDN or IP address ip

       Sign-on URL:

      Identifier (Entity ID)

     Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)

For example:

        User-added image

Or IP address:

    User-added image

Step 8. Download the Federation Metadata XML and save it on your computer( This will be imported into the firewall).

       User-added image

       This conclude the config on Azure. Login to firewall and add SAML identity provider

Steps to configure SAML authentication to use it for GlobalProtect Portal and Gateway:

        Follow this article to configure GlobalProtect Portal/gateway 

SAML configuration steps:

Step 1. Login to firewall and Navigate to Device>SAML Identity provider >import

Step 2. Import the federed Metadata XML downloaded from Azure in step 8. 

     Option: Uncheck Validate Identity Provider certificate. If checked, Certificate from Azure is needs to be uploaded on firewall as well.

Step 3. Create Authentication Profile and select SAML and IDP server Profile


Step 4. Click on Advanced tab and select "Allow list"


Step 5. Add authentication profile to GlobalProtect Portal


Step 6. Add authentication profile to GlobalProtect gateway config:


This concludes the configuration part.


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