Packets dropped: Zone protection option 'strict-ip-check'
Created On 05/14/20 00:23 AM - Last Modified 01/10/24 18:47 PM
- Ping and trace-route to the destination are not successful.
- Troubleshooting using global counters display strict-ip-check as the cause of packet drops.
> show counter global filter delta yes packet-filter yes
Packets dropped: Zone protection option 'strict-ip-check
- PANOS-9.0.6
- Palo Alto Firewall.
- Packet drops to some destinations through the firewall.
- Zone Protection with Strict IP check configured.
Packets are discarded because of malformed source or destination IP addresses.
Example: Discard packets where the source or destination IP address is the same as the network interface address, is a broadcast address, a loopback address, a link-local address, an unspecified address, or is reserved for future use
- First check which zone protection profile is involved
- Unchecked the "Strict IP Address Check" option under GUI: network > network-profiles >zone-protection > packet base attack protection > Strict IP Address Check.
Additional Information
Please also check
What is the difference between "Spoofed IP address" and "Strict IP Address Check" in Zone Protection